Sunday, April 25, 2010

Journal Entries_Account Receivables


Transaction Workbench:


DR Receivables
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

Invoice Rules: Bills in Arrears, Bills in Advance

Accounting Rules: Fixed, Variable

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Arrears invoicing rule with a three month fixed duration accounting rule, Receivables creates the following journal entries:

In the first period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue

In the second period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue

In the third and final period of the rule:
DR Unbilled Receivables
CR Revenue

DR Receivables
CR Unbilled Receivables
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

If you enter an invoice with a Bill in Advance invoicing rule, Receivables creates the following journal entries:

In the first period of the rule:
DR Receivables
CR Unearned Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue

In all periods of the rule for the portion that is recognized.
DR Unearned Revenue
CR Revenue

Credit Memos

When you credit an invoice, debit memo, or chargeback through the Credit Transactions window, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to No, Receivables uses AutoAccounting to determine the Freight, Receivables, Revenue, and Tax accounts.

DR Revenue
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (Credit Memo)

AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to Yes, ceivables credits the accounts of the original transaction.

DR Receivables (Credit Memo)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

When you credit a commitment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Revenue
CR Receivables

You can delete an incomplete credit memo if the system option Allow Invoice Deletion is set to Yes.

If the profile option AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to Yes, Receivables credits the accounts of the original transaction. If this profile option is set to No, Receivables uses AutoAccounting to determine the Freight, Receivables, Revenue, and Tax accounts. Receivables uses the account information for on-account credits that you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create your journal entries.

Receivables lets you update accounting information for your credit memo after it has posted to your general ledger. Receivables keeps the original accounting information as an audit trail while it creates an offsetting entry and the new entry.


When you enter a deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Deposit)
CR Offset Account

Use the AR: Deposit Offset Account Source profile option to determine how Receivables derives the Offset Account to credit for this deposit.

AR: Deposit Offset Account Source (Profile)

This option indicates which accounting source to use for a deposit's offset account. Receivables can use either AutoAccounting or the deposit's transaction type as the accounting source for the offset account.

When you enter an invoice against this deposit, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

DR Offset Account (such as Unearned Revenue)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

When you apply an invoice to a deposit, Receivables creates a receivable adjustment against the invoice. Receivables uses the account information that you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.

When cash is received against this deposit,
Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Deposit)

When you enter a guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue

You can define multiple transaction types with a class of either Deposit or Guarantee to classify or group your commitments for reporting purposes. Transaction types for commitments also provide additional control features, such as accounting controls, printing controls, and other defaults

When you enter an invoice against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Revenue
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

DR Revenue
CR Receivables

When you apply an invoice to a guarantee, Receivables creates a receivable adjustment against the guarantee. Receivables uses the account information you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.

When cash is received against this guarantee, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)


When you enter a receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables

When you fully apply a receipt to an invoice, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

DR Cash
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Unapplied Cash
CR Receivables

Note: These examples assume that the receipt has a Remittance Method of No Remittance and a Clearance Method of Directly.

When you enter an unidentified receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unidentified

When you enter an on-account receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unapplied

DR Unapplied
CR On-Account

When your receipt includes a discount, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Revenue

DR Cash
CR Receivables

DR Earned/Unearned Discount
CR Receivables

Receivables uses the default Cash, Unapplied, Unidentified, On-Account, Unearned, and Earned accounts that you specified in the Remittance Banks window for this receipt class.

When you enter a receipt and combine it with an on-account credit (which increases the balance of the receipt), Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
CR Unapplied Cash

To close the receivable on the credit memo and increase the unapplied cash balance, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Receivables
CR Unapplied Cash

When you enter a receipt and combine it with a negative adjustment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)

DR Write-Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)

If you set up a Write-Off account when defining your Receivables Activity.

When you enter a receipt and combine it with a positive adjustment, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)

DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write-Off

When you write off the unapplied amount on a receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Unapplied Cash
CR Write-off

When you enter a receipt and combine it with a Chargeback, Receivables creates the following journal entries:
DR Cash
CR Receivables (Invoice)

DR Receivables (Chargeback)
CR Chargeback (Activity)

DR Chargeback (Activity)
CR Receivables (Invoice)
You set up a Chargeback account when defining your Receivables Activity.

To move funds between receipts, you can apply one receipt to another open receipt (also called netting receipts). For example, you can move funds from Receipt 1 to Receipt 2 by opening Receipt 2 in the Applications window, and selecting Receipt 1 in the Apply To field.

You can net receipts in Receivables. To net receipts, you apply a receipt against another open receipt, and then apply the resulting unapplied receipt balance to a transaction.
Open receipts include receipts that have:

Unapplied cash
On-account cash
Open claim investigation applications

You can also apply one receipt against another receipt that has an open claim investigation application. A claim investigation application results from either a noninvoice-related deduction or an overpayment.

Note: Receivables automatically updates Trade Management when you make a receipt application against a second receipt that has an open claim investigation.
Attention: When netting receipts, both receipts must be in the same currency.

Following the example above, Receivables creates these journal entries:
DR Unapplied Cash (Receipt 1)
CR Netting (Receipt 1)

DR Netting (Receipt 2)
CR Unapplied Cash (Receipt 2)

After this receipt-to-receipt application completes, Receipt 2 gains additional funds that you can then apply to a debit item.
You set up a Netting account when defining your Receivables Activity.

If both receipts are in a foreign currency, however, then you could have an exchange gain or loss when you net the receipts. The exchange gain or loss is realized on the main receipt (Receipt 2) at the time of receipt application (netting).
If you later adjust the exchange rate on Receipt 1 or 2, then Receivables:
Rolls back all accounting for both receipts.
Re-creates the accounting, including the netting application, using the adjusted exchange rate.
Recalculates the exchange gain or loss on whichever receipt is open in the Applications window.


When you create a receipt that requires remittance to your bank, Receivables debits the Confirmation account instead of Cash. An example of a receipt requiring remittance would be a check before it was cashed. Receivables creates the following journal entry when you enter such a receipt:
DR Confirmation
CR Receivables

You can then remit the receipt to your remittance bank using one of the two remittance methods: Standard or Factoring. If you remit your receipt using the standard method of remittance, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Remittance
CR Confirmation

When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Remittance

If you remit your receipt using the factoring remittance method, Receivables creates the following journal entry:
DR Factor
CR Confirmation

When you clear the receipt, Receivables creates a short-term liability for receipts that mature at a future date. The factoring process let you receive cash before the maturity date, and assumes that you are liable for the receipt amount until the customer pays the balance on the maturity date. When you receive payment, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

DR Cash
DR Bank Charges
CR Short-Term Debt

On the maturity date, Receivables reverses the short term liability and creates the following journal entry:
DR Short-Term Debt
CR Factor


When you enter a negative adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

DR Write-Off
CR Receivables (Invoice)

When you enter a positive adjustment against an invoice, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

DR Receivables (Invoice)
CR Write-Off

Debit Memos

When you enter a debit memo in the Transactions window, Receivables creates the following journal entries:

DR Receivables
CR Revenue (if you enter line amounts)
CR Tax (if you charge tax)
CR Freight (if you charge freight)

DR Receivables
CR Finance Charges

On-Account Credits

When you enter an on-account credit in the Applications window, Receivables creates the following journal entry:

DR Revenue (if you credit line amounts)
DR Tax (if you credit tax)
DR Freight (if you credit freight)
CR Receivables (On-account Credit)

Receivables uses the Freight, Receivable, Revenue, and Tax accounts that you specified in your AutoAccounting structure to create these entries.

Once the on-account credit is applied to an invoice, the following journal entry is created:
DR Receivables (On-account Credit)
CR Receivables (Invoice)

Credit Card Refunds

When you unapply a receipt and reapply the receipt to a credit card refund, Receivables creates these journal entries:

DR Receivables
CR Unapplied

DR Unapplied
CR Receivable Activity (Clearing Account)

After you apply the receipt to a credit card refund, Receivables automatically creates a negative miscellaneous receipt in the amount of the refund and creates this journal entry:

DR Receivable Activity (Clearing Account)
CR Cash

Reversing a credit card refund

When you reverse a credit card refund, either by reversing the negative miscellaneous receipt or by unapplying the credit card refund activity, Receivables creates this journal entry for the negative miscellaneous receipt:

DR Cash
CR Receivable Activity (Clearing Account)

and Receivables creates this journal entry for the original payment receipt:

DR Receivables Activity (Clearing Account)
CR Unapplied


Creating an invoice related claim

When you record an invoice related short payment as a claim in the Applications window, Receivables creates the standard accounting entries for the invoice and for the receipt application. There are no additional accounting entries for the invoice related claim.

Creating a non-invoice related claim

When you record a non-invoice related short payment or over payment as a claim investigation application in the Applications window, Receivables creates these journal entries:

DR Claim Investigation
CR Unapplied Cash

Receivables derives the accounting flexfield for the claim investigation application from the receivable activity that you assigned in the Applications window.

AR: Default Exchange Rate Type (Profile)

This option determines the default exchange rate to use when converting foreign currency transactions to your functional currency. Valid values are:
Corporate Exchange Rate - An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company. This rate is usually a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.
Spot Exchange Rate - An exchange rate you enter to perform a conversion based on the rate on a specific date.
User Specified Rate - An exchange rate you specify when entering a foreign currency transaction.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Period End Close Dependencies

General – Period End Close Dependencies
Before you start with the Period-End process you have to know what the dependencies are between the various modules as described in this document.

The dependencies between some of the main Financials products and a couple of supply chain products.

You have to close Oracle Payables before you close Oracle Purchasing to account for purchasing accruals at period end. You also need to close Oracle Payables before you close Oracle Inventory and Oracle Assets.
You actually have to close Oracle Cash Management before you close Oracle Receivables, as bank reconciliation in Cash Management will create miscellaneous receipts in Oracle Receivables. Finally, you close all of your subledgers before you close General Ledger.

Order Management
Cash Management
Inventory / Cost Management
General Ledger.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Public Sector Budgetting

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting provides a complete and integrated solution that allows
users to prepare and maintain a comprehensive budget that includes position
budgeting for personnel services.

Users can extract information from external systems such as Oracle Human Resource
Management Systems, Oracle Labor Distribution, and Oracle General Ledger. Users can
also export information from Oracle Public Sector Budgeting to General Ledger.
Positons are available from HRMS.

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting supports the online distribution, notification, review, and approval.

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting also supports versioning, maintaining a complete record of the budget at each

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting supports multiple methods for analyzing and
presenting budget information. With Oracle Discoverer, users can create multiple data
views and create graphs and charts for analysis and reporting.

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting supports position control, using the allowing users to
record information on position, cost, and distribution in position control.

Flexfield mapping allows users to change the accounting key flexfield or accounting
flexfield values extracted from General Ledger so that updated code combinations are
used when new worksheets are created in Oracle Public Sector Budgeting.

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting supports encumbrance balances from General Ledger.

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting supports more than one ledger currency at transactional level.

HRMS is mandatory for position control in Public Sector Budgeting.

For more information follow Oracle Public Sector Budgeting User Guide.

Monday, April 12, 2010

TCA Party

Can the TCA Party of an Existing Customer be Used as TCA Party for a Supplier?


The ability to query an existing TCA party and create them as a supplier is not yet available.

If the TCA party is first a supplier, you can query the party and create a customer account for it.
If the TCA party is first a customer, then yes - two parties will be created if a supplier is then created.

For more information better to follow Oracle Metalink Note: 550539.1

Thursday, April 1, 2010

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Now entire business world they have one hot discussion on their business transactional and reporting system; that is IFRS. What is IFRS? What is the impact of IFRS on our business?
International Organization of Securities Commissions has recommended that the world’s regulators permit companies to prepare financial statements based on IFRS for cross-border offerings and listings.
IFRS: IFRS means International Financial Reporting Standards. IFRS will be one of the most significant enterprise-wide change initiatives facing finance over the next few years. This is varying from US GAAP and mostly similar to USGAAP. The entire world they want to make it as single system/standards. IFRS will impact different businesses, business activities in different ways. It is important to find how IFRS will impact the organization’s transactional plan. As per IFRS standards more flexibility is required on transaction in reporting approach.
The new financial reporting model is more complex and less understandable. Many companies will not only need to continue using local GAAP in their reporting for tax purposes, but they will also need to prepare financial statements based on IFRS.
The concept of multi-GAAP reporting is not only a transition issue but also an continuing part of doing business.
ERP: Oracle E-Business Suite supports the IFRS. (from R12, R12.1.1…..)
ERP systems have ability to provide reports in both IFRS and USGAAP will be required until complete global shift to IFRS for statutory and tax reporting.
Companies are taking steps to gain, how well their current systems can support IFRS.
IFRS is already adopted in many countries and remaining countries they want to adopt in near future.
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has accepted IFRS standards.
(IFRS) International Financial Reporting Standards issued following 2001.
IFRS means balance classification/balance explanation.
In the present US GAAP reporting system it has some complains like:
Revenue Recognition, Translation, Revaluation, Inventory transactions, detailed reporting, consolidation etc…
All these complains has mapping with Oracle E-business Suite (R12)
Revenue reorganization is mapping with OM & AR Revenue reorganization, AP – AR netting etc…
We can maintain different cost procedures on Inventory transactions like Standard Cost & Average Cost.
Two major processes of Translation and Revaluation have objection with both IFRS and USGAAP.
For detailed reporting purpose we have to prepare chart of accounts in detailed manner.
In R12 Oracle is providing SLA-Sub ledger accounting feature to get detailed reports at sub-ledger level, for simple audit & statutory reporting.
IFRS transition impacts mainly:
Consolidation/ reporting:
· Confirming adjustments,
· Detailed exposure requirements.
General Ledger:
· Transition periods
· Adjusting periods
· Chart of accounts preparation for detailed accounting
· Track new accounting requirements.

Options to overlap these impacts:
· Using Oracle Hyperion EPM applications to get flexible and apparent consolidation system, management reporting.
· Separate IFRS chart of Accounts from local GAAP Chart of Accounts with adjusting company segment for IFRS. This option requires the configuration of accounting rules in SLA to reflect the duality of accounting treatments for certain classes of transactions. SLA allows organizations to define two sets of business rules for certain transactions, adjustment entries for IFRS need not be created separately.

· In Oracle Assets secondary ledger is required where the componentized child assets can be depreciated separately as per IFRS.

KPMG in India today announced the launch of its IFRS Institute in India (IFRS Institute). The IFRS Institute is designed to assist various stakeholders in the planned convergence from Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).